Producción ganadera
Productos y servicios
Cría de cerdos.
Explotación de ganado porcino
Explotación de ganado ovino y caprino
Explotación de ganado porcino
Explotación de ganado ovino y caprino
Raising of swine/pigs
Raising of sheep and goats
The company is a privately held firm that is active in the agriculture industry. Its core business is the operation of ranches or farms. The firm was incorporated in March 2003 and has its registered head office in Avila, Spain. The company is primarily involved in grazing, breeding, and feeding animals including cattles. These animals are generally raised in various environments, from total confinement or captivity to feeding on an open range pasture. In addition, the corporation raises cattle both for milking and meat production. The firm principally conducts its business operations within the country.